01 April, 2013


It is interesting to me how spiritual internal conditions change.
What I care is the exact point when it occurs. It should be called 'the making of'.
Personally I think that the action performed is a greater awareness of the quality of the world we live.
But it is good to know more about this aspect.
And it could be curious how this is reflected to the relationships with the people around us...

Eshte interesante si gjendjet e brendshme shpirterore ndryshojne.
Ajo qe me intereson eshte pika e sakte kur ndodh kthesa. Duhet te quhet 'pika e kryerjes'.
Personalisht mendoj se aksioni qe kryhet eshte nje vetedije me e madhe mbi cilesine e botes ku jetojme.

Por eshte mire sikur te dime me shume per kete aspekt.
Kurioze eshte si kjo pasqyrohet ne marredheniet me njerezit qe na rrethojne...

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