18 July, 2013


Muzika e Shqiperise e pare me syte e nje tekniku te tingullit.
Hala Strana (aka Steven R Smith) eshte nje amerikan, dhe si shume te tjere, bie ne dashuri me melodite dhe traditat e Shqiperise. 

Studjon ca tinguj, qe rralle mepare kalonin pragun e deres se shtepise, per nga njohja dhe popullariteti ('Motra Dhe Vellai').
Pervec aciditetit te muzikes (pjese te gjata, me sonoritete te hekurta ku instrumentet karakteristike, si klarineto, shpesh humbin ose vonojne te vihen ne dukje), spikat ngjyra dhe pikepamja e kthjellet qe ky ruan per cdo regjistrim ('Pogonishte' nga albumi Fielding, 2008).
Natyrisht, vete albumi Heave The Gamble Roof (2007) eshte modern; nje lloj dhurate post-rock ('Havazi I Dy Motrave') per kuriozet e thjeshte, por na paraqitet edhe si nje perle, jo vetem per ata shpirtra melankolike te muzikes se bukur/humbur juglindore te Ballkanit.

  // in english
Albania's traditional music seen with the eyes of a sound enginner. Hala Strana (aka Steven R Smith) is an American who, like many others, falls in love with melodies and traditions of Albania.
He studies some sounds that in the past rarely crossed the threshold of the villages, for their recognition and popularity in a region (listen to 'Motra Dhe Vellai').
Besides music acidity (long suites with the iron-like sounds where characteristic instruments, as clarinet, often are lost or delay to be highlighted), he preserves a colorful point of view about eash track ('Pogonishte' from the album Fielding, 2008). Naturally, the album itself Heave The Gamble Roof (2007) comes as a modern post-rock gift ('Havazi I Dy Motrave') for simple curious people, but it is presented to us as a jewel, not only for those melancholic souls of beautiful/lost southeastern Balkans music.

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