24 February, 2015


Prill (2008); albumi i trete i Mark Kozelek, ish Red House Painters, eshte nje peshtjellim i ngushte memorie dhe kohezgjtaje.
Zgjon te kaluaren (femijerine ne Ohaio), nganjehere ne forme idilike, nganjehere jofunksionale, ku shkalla adoleshent-adult u kepercye mjaft shpejt, me dashuri te humbura te cilat lusin per harrese...
Kujtime qe i rreshqasin gjithckaje, pervecse syrit te mendjes. 
Qasje artistike e mbushur me sentimentalizem te sheqerosur, shoqeruar me ate tignull drone-fushe-country-te-vetmuar. Kenge qe ftojne per nje test; ate te durimit, te shijes se kohes qe iken. Distilim i perkryer i trishtimit dhe keqardhjes. Dhe ne fakt instrumentet jane te perhershmit per kesisoj veprash: ze i plote dhe kitare.

"No, this is not my guitar/ I'm bringing it to a friend/ And no I don't sing/ I'm only humming along/ Up here in the air/ I'm just moaning at the clouds/ Wanting to be known/ While I pass the lonely hours"  

Histori, se per keto behet fjale: histori. Drama personale qe kerkojne pergjigje universale. Prekes ne sfond si ai dielli i zbehte qe nuk ndryshon intensitet pasditeve te ftohta.
Ndoshta muzika e ish-it te Red House Painters ndjell nostalgji ne nje shkretetire te erret (si kopertinat e albumeve!), por a nuk eshte valle kjo ndjenje shenje e mire? Kujtim per humbjen. Drame qe vazhdon pas humbjes, drame i te vetmuarit qe perballet me vdekshmerine.

04 February, 2015


Today was a pretty day, no disappointments
No expectations on your whereabouts
And oh, did I let you go? Did it finally show
That strange things will happen if you let them?

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
You can't reach me 'cause I'm way beyond you today

Today was a pretty day, autumn comes with
These slight surprises where your life might twist and turn
Hope to unlearn, strange things will happen
If you let them come around and stick around

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
You can't reach me 'cause I'm way beyond you today

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
Today I didn't even look to find
Something to put me in that peace of mind
You can't touch me 'cause I'm way beyond you today