The structure of society mirroring the structure of the mind.
We don’t have to live like this, but we accept it, because somewhere it serves an unconscious urge to be objects. That’s a theme I find fascinating: that we refuse freedom because we refuse the responsibilities that come with freedom. In this culture of propaganda, of fear, no one is wanting to stand up to take responsibility. I feel like this system isn’t working.
I think capitalism is an interesting system, but it doesn’t take any risks any more.' Lætitia Sadier (Stereolab)
I'm in love with you, little sister We ride home in the night While under our feet, the rain paints the street with the stars Passing cars with light trails behind them We could follow them on Giving this town is wearing me down Lets take off No one would know that we've gone
Dhe nuk eshte kaq e lehte te flasesh per kete supergrup. Me vite sherben si referim per cdo bande qe luan me bass, fizarmonike, bori, kitare meksikane (me e madhja qe keni pare ndonjehere!), perkusione etj...
Do quhej tex-mex (muzike hispanike nga shteti i Teksasit) nese nuk do te ishte per aftesite e Joey Burns dhe John Convertino, te cilet zbresin muzikalisht kontinentin amerikano-verior nga veriu ne jug. Fragmente latino te ngrohte, gypsy ne forme e ne aparence, dub ('Fake Fur'), tradicionale, instrumentalizma kult, spaghetti-western (e parezistueshme kujtesa e filmave me cowboy; nga mitiku Franco Nero, tek Tarantino i fundit me Django Unchained e te me falni, por kush e harron Kevin Bacon tek filmi Tremors)...
Tym nga shkretetira. Ja tek eshte me ne fund, shkretetira; kjo hapesire gjeologjike perfaqeson celsin e frymezimit! Pas saj ndodhet kufiri ('Frontera'). Dhe kufiri perben objektivin, simbolin e lirise dhe njekohesisht te shkrirjes se kulturave, e historive personale te njerezve ('Over Your Shoulder'), te shpreses per te rindertuar nje jete te re ('Old Man Waltz').
Megjithate, muzika e Calexico-s hedh veshtrimi pas, ne roots (rrenjet, sic thone amerikanet) e prejardhjes (introspektive). Si te kryente nje kerkim me perpikshmerine e nje etnomuzikologu, per te na risjelle vende te harruara, nostalgji e atmosfera unike... Dhe qendron ne keto elemente vizioni i tyre post-modern!
Udhetim i nje orkestre nga Arizona, nete te kaluara ne motele e klube te Route66, monologje filozofike/ekzistencialiste poshte yjeve, tequila e birre per te shuar etjen, tinguj shkretetire qe ngrohin e pikellojne diku brenda ne gjoks... Tani mund te marresh fryme nga ajri i shkretetires!
Generally upbeat, but the band's inherent musicality (acid-jazz, hip-hop, ska, funky), humor, and intelligence keep things afloat. The most interesting and warm tracks are the ones that carry the most Turkish influence, but generally this is less a World Summit than a Nu Kultural Flava..
Influenced by songs from Istanbul and the Sufi tradition, and adding the ney flute, percussion and, of course, the electronic sounds. The result is a confident and sophisticated set, in which Mercan Dede's beats are never allowed to dominate the impressive instrumental work by his musician...
Scott: To me autumn is a season of solace. Summer is over and winter is coming. The name, Autumn’s Grey Solace, reflects this feeling.
[What do you expect from people when they are listening to your music? Like feeling to fly or what?]
Scott: Yes, and like feeling to escape, to listen to the music and see images. I try to mix our music so that it “takes you away” especially on headphones...
- Disa objekte, me shpejt se te tjere, duken se po ndryshojne menyren tone te te lidhurit me Tjetrin dhe gjithcka na rrethon; mos valle tablet, smartphone-t, social networks perfaqesojne 'shtepite' e reja te perpunimit te ideve? Nese Sokrati do qe nje bashkekohes i yni, a do te kishte ai nje profil facebook-u dhe si do e perdorte ate?
- Pajisjet elektronike dhe mediat e reja jane objekte te nje tipi te vecante, te cilat po perhapin perspektiva te papara ne relacionet interpersonale dhe paralajmerojne trasformime edhe ne memorien individuale. Ne kete kendveshtrim kjo e fundit vepron me shpejt dhe shumezohet kollaj, duke u 'universalizuar' ne njefare menyre dhe duke perfshire virtualisht ato(memoriet) te te gjithe individeve te tjere. Nga ketu mund te mendoj se keto pajisje mund te bejne si 'strehe' per elaborimin e ideve te reja; e jo me truri, i cili perjashtohet, sikur lihet menjane!
Persa i perket Sokratit: ai kishte probleme edhe me shkrimin, veprim qe i dukej sikur po tradhetonte te verteten e komunikimit verbal dhe direkt, lere me te flasim per bisedat ('lloqet') e nivelit socialo-mesatar...
[nga nje interviste/nderhyrje ne Festival Filosofia, Modena, 2012]
Dhe nje tjeter te ben me te vogel
Dhe ato qe nena te jep nuk te bejne mire aspak
Shko e pyet Lizen
Kur ajo te jete dhjete metra e gjate
Dhe ne qofte se shkon per te gjuajtur lepuj
Ti e di qe do rrezohesh
Tregoji atyre qe nje shushunje qe pi nargjile te dergoi t'i therrasesh Lizes
Thirri Lizes kur ajo te jete e vogel
Kur burrat siper fushes se shahut cohen dhe te tregojne ku te shkosh,
e ti ke ngrene nje lloj kerpudhe dhe mendja jote po fundoset,
shko e pyet Lizen
mendoj se ajo duhet ta dije (pergjigjen)
Kur logjika dhe proporcioni te kene rene lengshem te vdekur
Dhe kur Kavalieri i Bardhe te jete duke folur mbrapsht
Ike Yard only lasted for those 2 years... as we built our sound, ideas
were tried and burnt through in research. Never super satisfied with
live performances, we began breaking down the unit to do a couple shows
in pairs, and working on Synclavier and sound design ideas...
1. Transactional / Monologue
I said what I said, or did what I did. I'm really not hoping for a response, just action.
Example - self-checkout at the grocery store, check-in for a airplane flight, a white paper download. There is only one person.
2. Request / Call to Action
I said what I said, or did what I did looking for a specific response. This could be a purchase, a support case, but it is one on one. It is social only in that there are two people involved.
3. Passive / Ventin
I am talking or doing, and I might need a response, but even I am not sure. I'm hoping for acknowledgment, not necessarily a response, but it might be nice.
Examples - I cannot find what I need, in a store or online. Body language/tone suggests frustration. Poor experience by an airline on Twitter.
4. One-Sided Dialogue
Two parties are talking, but the conversation is a bit one sided. To get results, multiple departments, partners might need to get involved. For the most part, the interactions are 'contained' and both parties are working to keep it this way. The words, "I am sorry" and "there is nothing we can do" find their way into these interactions.
5. Information Seeker / Social Pressure
I am actively asking for information. I will not be happy until I get it. I may begin with a simple email, but will progress to blogs, Twitter and other very public channels. This might be an escalation to number 4.
6. Active / Engaged
We are engaged in a conversation. Others may join in to push things forward.
7. Community Driven
We are all conversing. It is many-to-many, I am helping others, giving advice. I may want recognition, free things, and special support.
(taken from Customer Relationship Management course slides...)
Exploring the unlikely relationship between technology and nostalgia, both fundamentally incompatible concepts by definition – technology incites change whereas nostalgia resists it...
They go far beyond just reviving the art of vintage effects, sound of past industrial/shoegaze bands, treble-heavy synths, full-pedal raw guitars, and primitive, pre-programmed loops...
Une mendoj se fsheh nje kuptim krejt te ri, ose me mire 'me origjinal'. Nese shohim mbrapa ne te kaluaren domethenien e termit 'psikedelik', ndodhemi me afer konceptit 'kohe' ose 'futurizem' (e ardhmja) ne vend te 'aciditet' apo 'perhumbje'.
Muzika eshte Feja e Re.
Njerezit ekzaltohen vetem me muziken, nuk kane nevoje per asgje tjeter (kokrra e substanca halucinogjene). Miti, sipas se cilit nevojiten drogat per tu kenaqur me muziken, eshte nje vogelsire dhe madje ofendon pikerisht keta njerez qe krijojne dhe ndjekin muziken psikedelike...