'My name is Luke Hartle and I’m an independent musician from Vancouver, Canada.
I started playing music at a young age and have been writing in all sorts of genres since I was fifteen. I went to audio engineering school when I was twenty and have been producing electronic music ever since. I listen to, and am inspired by pretty much every type of music'.
This track ('Quetschkommode') is a kind of african-tradition song being remixed by a german dance professional dj...
Behind the turntables as well as live, Mollono.Bass presents minimal Techhouse beats which directly aim the dance floor and therefore always contain a proper portion of bounce.
The efficiency of his grooves has been proved by various successful productions and remixes on Acker and Ostwind Records.
Like already known from his productions for Kombinat100, Mollono.Bass embeds warm, groovy and driving drum sets into a dubby, harmonic and emotional soundscape.
His organic tunes with a touch of atmospheric sounds take the listener on a journey through time and space. ...
Who does not feel like dancing when listening to this music, should probably just stay at home!
Sometimes it can feel as though the element of chance (unprecedented?) has been removed from modern music.
Everything seems to be in its right place, sitting complacently and acknowledging its place in the grander (pre-established hierarchy?), more proper scheme of things.
Not so, Wermonster. A French émigré living in Berlin, the producer’s hip hop influenced album Ghosts Move Slowly is full of chance abandon, full of an attitude that just seems to scream ‘try it and see’.
The result is eerie and beautiful, draped in a uniquely European elegance as a very human narrative seems to play out in the shadows of its 30 plus minutes.
(“Hair on my head, tongue in my mouth, I have got it all figured out”)
(“Hair on my head, tongue in my mouth, I have got it all figured out”)
(“Hair on my head, tongue in my mouth, I have got it all figured out”)
(“Hair on my head, tongue in my mouth, I have got it all figured out”)
'Hair on my head, tongue in my mouth, I have got it all figured out'...
It seems like a pop-Sixties sound coming back.
Enthusiastic, sincere and far away from being depressed...
Here former Girls frontman Christopher Owens has a video for the upbeat 'Here We Go Again', from his solo album Lysandre (2013), directed by Ryan Owen Eddleston.
The video is fairly straightforward and recalls some earlier Girls videos. It’s mostly Owens and his band (and friends) running errands, performing, drinking wine and hanging at a party...
'The political and social system that they want to live us, destroys humanity, leaving unconscious in front of everything.
I have expressed this tension with the use of stockings, female symbol, which instead becomes death trap inner obstacle to reunification with nature. Nature is the theme that stands in front of my sense of imprisonment imposed on the social mechanism.
There is a window that is repeated often alienating to obsessive repetition to natural faults, which cuts the field looking for an intimate contact with me.
The video ends with spaces left blank because there is complete
indifference around, and the human individual is so sneaky, he doesn't
leave traces visibly striking'.
Known as 'The Ghost Of Techno'. The red form - 'Man Out Of Time'.
This obscure creature, systematically exhibits with an excellent opera red mask. His music can be a nightmare to be heard (and to be danced).
Here we are in deep space, gray and blue, green and red. Space dub, vibrations, wave frequencies that penetrate the chest. And mind, mostly!
No time, only space. Alone in space ... ...
Njihet si 'Fantazma e techno-s'. Forme e kuqe - 'Njeriu pa kohe'. Kjo krijese e erret 'ekzpozohet' sistematikisht me nje maske opere te kuqe te shkelqyer. Makth per tu degjuar (e per tu kercyer).
E thella hapesire, gri e blu, e gjelber dhe e kuqe. Hapesira dub, vibracione, vale frekuencash qe depertojne ne gjoks. E ne mendje, kryesisht!
Pa me kohen, vetem hapesiren. I vetem ne hapesire...
This is a journey into space. And we all know, anything can happen into space.
This song ('State Of The Art (A.E.I.O.U') keeps me dazed (anytime I listen to it!), as if I were before a mirage in the desert heat, a slow song climax that makes me always want to know if the oasis is not a real mirage.
But, wait a minute: there are no oasis in space... I followed all the wrong dreams.
The light come The light go How far will reach? ain't no but I know
And when the dawn breaks the crate will fall and down to come baby crater in all.
And now I know you need for dark just as much as the sun but you're signing on forever when you get in and blow.
A.E.I.O.U, A.E.I.O.U I use the state of the art technology suppose to make a better living all a better human being we got all eyes all cross the tips roll tight and I'm streaming to remember just what means to be alive.
A life worth living now you can feel it in your chest building like a little bullets and just building optimist and you build it up strong, and you fill it up with love, and you play for good reign, all from the Lord above.
The women are dressed up and they are up to no good
You're dressed up for liberation / You flash that fire flag you fly above
The bright hot sails of your eyes
They say vaguely goodbye / There is a long delay in our words
Then there are no words
And I lay down tonight as nervous as a bride
She's not nervous but she tries / And it's vaguely goodbye
Ricordate le meravigliose parole del giovane Keats - non sono sicuro di nulla, se non della santità dei sentimenti del Cuore e della verità dell'Immaginazione.
Ora io non sto dicendo - Bellezza è Verità, Verità è Bellezza, o analoghi sofismi. Sto dicendo che senza l'immaginazione dell'Autore nulla può vivere per noi - vivi o morti, o giù vivi e ora morti, o in attesa di nascere.
Ahimè, ho cercato di dirvi la mia verità - e ho finito per scrivere cupi sofismi sulla poesia. Ma voi sapete - credo che voi sappiate.
Ditemi che sapete - e che non è semplice - o semplicemente da rifiutare - esiste una verità dell'Immaginazione.
Eshte e kote te kerkosh te mohosh shijen, fluiditetin e shprehjes muzikore braziliane: dhe rrenja mbetet po ajo, samba! Dhe bossa-nova merr ketu harmonine jazz-iste, lehtesine e embel (sensualitetin?), figuren ritmike (batucada), instrumentet tipike, historine dhe keshtu materien e pare.
Per te mos permendur ketu fizicitetin (koreografine capoeira) e levizjeve te trupit! Mjaft te kujtojme se mashkulli dhe femra i duhej te takonin/perputhnin kerthizat e tyre si fillim; gjest ky qe do shenonte fillimin e kercimeve...
Eh Morena / Este e um sonho estranho
Passandro por la
Vem me encontrar / Pela janela aberta
Beijo lua
Personaliteti i kesaj gjurme (ketu nje riperpunim i mire i 'Le Vent Nous Portera') eshte i madh.
Per nje arsye, kryesisht: teksti tejmase filozofik!
Dhe une e dua kete gjurme. Pavaresisht versioneve:
I know what we’re about and I know what we’re doing. And this album is a development on what we’re doing. And if I didn’t think that we were going to develop more in the future and that the next album after that was going to change from what we doing than I don’t think we’d do it all. And I can see the band shifting all the time, and incorporating different things and I am sure that in the future we’ll be a very different sounding band. I hope that’s a good thing. I think it’s exciting'.
Look away, away from the light
I’m not trying, trying to lie I hear your man immitate a song
Yeah music won’t save you.
'We have an unwritten rule that we don’t use computers because that could potentially be a rabbit hole we couldn’t get out of. The live show is the best part of the job so it’s important that it’s tight and that we’re all feeling good about it'.
'The way we were starting making music together was very spontaneous, and
also very direct.
We were discovering each other in that way'
How do you say: 'Love alwayswins'. Winsagainstsorrow andmonotony, which recently used to associateSashaFunkeworking throughvariousstudios, but with nodesirableresults. And suddenly his wife, JulienneDessagne, turned back! Withhervoiceand musicshe helpedtopublishanLPunderthe projectSaschienne [Unknown, 2012].
Below you can watch the official video for 'Grand Cru', one of the LP highlights:
I can not believe that it was Sunday. We were with friends in Soncino (Cremona) and, while walking around its castle (session 'The most beautiful villages in Italy'), I saw a kind of a small, maybe private, museum with inside some antique objects and paintings...
Unfortunately, it was closed!
I was impressed by this big picture in particular (here a low-res photo!), and the whole room led to an entrance where there could be only breathless things... For a long time, my imagination was unstoppable.
I should return to Soncino another time. But not on Sunday!
Japanese photographer Sakiko Nomura goes beyond the facades of her subjects and reaches deep into their psyche; revealing hidden fears, sadness and tenderness. The sitter is stripped naked literally and figuratively, baring their souls for all to see.
Filloi te kendonte vone, kur ishte ne te tridhjetat, por dasem pas dasme u be nder me te famshit fale nje tastiere-mixer. Zona (jo e luftes!) ishte ajo ndermjet Turqise dhe Irakut, Jazeera; nje lloj toke e askujt, 12-ore me autobus per te shkuar ne Damask. Ketu te vetmit turiste jane ca arkeologe dhe puna e vetme qe mund te gjesh eshte ne agrikulture...
Omar Souleyman. Nje personazh mitik (me callmen/keffiyeh tipike mbi koke e syzet e detyrueshme!), jo vetem ne boten arabe e ne Lindje e Mesme. Po, sepse kohet e fundit ne web gjehet nje remix unik i tij me Bjork ('Crystalline') dhe kanadezi Caribou e fton regullisht per hapjen e seksioneve te tij elektronike dhe ne Berlin ka marre pjese disa here ne festivale elektrobeat. Adhurohet nga San Francisko e deri ne Frankfurt.
E te mendosh se nuk ka te beje shume me muziken syrian-pop te Sirise (jo ate tradicionale apo elite, te pakten). Eshte e shpejte ('Weli Weli'), mbani mend kete! Mjaft e shpejte, ritmika te kercyeshme, trupi pergjigjet gati ne gjendje vibracionesh trance, free-style per te rinjte perendimore... Punk i eger nga vendlindja!
E megjthate, te shoqeruarit e muzikes me mikrofon direkt nga Mr. Omar (kaseta prej dylekesh, cilesi low-cost), perjetesisht live, i jep nje ndjesi mjaft origjinale albumeve dhe show-eve te tij neper sheshe e klube. Te kercesh (techno-naiv?) behet automatizem i pelqyeshem...
'Eshte edhe seksi', - ka thene njehere nje mikesha ime!
Nuk numerohen regjistrimet e tij, edhe pse, per arsye copyright, ne Lindjen e Mesme nuk ka rregulla qe respektohen. Por zor se gjen ndonje, i cili e degjon dhe nuk i vjen per te kercyer keto mid-oriental beats. [Sfidoj cilindo te rri ulur ne vend pasi degjon edhe per nje minute Omar-in!].
Ritme aq te kerkueshme e te rralla ne skenat e Perendimit!
Pa me kufijte, jemi te barabarte.
Dhe 'tjetri, i panjohuri' ekziston.
(...) Young dudes in football shirts, fat middle-aged men in suits and
ties, prim traditional dance troupes in the threads of yesteryear, old
men and women in jellabiyas and head-dresses, young girls in skin-tight
jeans or multi-coloured robes, Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese,
Jordanians and Egyptians, all dancing the dabke, in a line, holding
hands, laughing, together...
What about your sound? It’s not really a sound you would file under Syrian pop music. It’s a mix. But a mix which is pretty often heard in the eastern region of Syria. Added with Turkish, Lebanese and Iraq influences. Not European. We call it fast dabke.
I’ve heard of it, but…
Dabke is an expression of love for us in eastern Syria, also of happiness and sympathy with others. Music and dancing are the traditions from generations ago. In eastern Syria we are fast and the whole world likes fast dancing. But it differs in every area from Aleppo to Homs to Deir ez-Zour and every area has its own style and tempo...
If going out in the eveningwith some oldbicyclesandending upaccidentallyin aspecialbarwithgoodwines,then listening to music from Iceland(two girls playingweird-folk), may seemmuch attractive;
What made me lose my mind, wasnot the intimateatmosphere, neither the electronickeyboardeffects, northedelicacyofthe Icelandiclanguage, but the factthat the twogirlswereplayingbarefoot, all the time; wearing only colorful socks!